Wish you could have an expert take a look at your book idea

 and tell you if it's good enough to be a book? And how to do it?

Well, here you go!

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The Book Idea Audit is a fast -- and inexpensive -- way to test whether your book idea can be turned into a book.

In this special offer, I provide very specific questions to you, designed to elicit the form and content of your book idea. I review your answers and and give you my professional opinion and suggestions for how to make it even better and what to do next. 

If you:
- Worry you don’t have enough clarity on your book idea
- Have a lot of ideas and aren't sure how to choose
- Wonder if you have the right credentials and experience 
- Need to know if you should pursue your goal of writing and publishing a book

The Book Idea Audit will provide you with the valuable insights you need.

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Book Idea AuditGrab this fast feedback offer that will help you move forward from book idea to book.$99
Fast feedback so you can answer the question: "I have an idea, but is it a book?”

Upon purchasing this offer, you will be given a link to a detailed form to fill in so I can get a full picture of your book idea. 

Ten targeted and in-depth questions about your book idea encourage clarity and focus. This is where you get your idea out of your head and onto the page in a meaningful way so that the book starts to take shape!

Once I receive your information, I will record a screenshare video of me going through the form, asking questions for you to consider, offering suggestions and feedback, and providing examples for reference. 

You will receive your video within two business days so you can start iterating your book idea -- fast!

The goal of this offer is to answer the aspiring author's burning question: "I have an idea, but is it a book?" -- and explain how to get it there.

  • Total payment
  • 1xBook Idea Audit$99

All prices in USD